Pomodoro Technique – A scientific method for increased team focus and self-awareness

I recently came across this technique known as ‘Pomodoro Technique and thought of sharing it with you all.

Introduced in 1980’s by Francesco Cirillo, the Pomodoro Technique was created to enhance productivity at work or studies.

Pomodoro Technique can be applied to individuals or teams for a successful work-break pattern and helps fuel your decision-making abilities while providing the following:

  • Improving Self Awareness
  • Clarity of Mind and effectiveness
  • Enhancing productivity by working in small batches
  • Balances Anxiety Levels 
  • Improves Self Determination 

Short breaks have proven to enhance concentration and building our attention span. Sitting all day at work without adequate breaks can tire us at both mental and physical levels. Here is some research behind this if you are interested.

By following the Pomodoro Technique of working for 25 minutes and taking a 5-minute break with each cycle, one can ensure that the mind stays focused, attentive and stimulated. The art is also to minimize distraction during that short productive burst with the timer constantly ticking. It is always advised to avoid multi-tasking to keep the focus on one thing as it takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds to refocus, according to this study at the University of California Irvine.

 This technique has been applied in healthcare as well while treating Parkinson’s Law

It’s an interesting method, and I find there is a lot of convergence with agile methods as it focuses on working on a small unit of time. The sense of achievement and purpose an individual gets after finishing a task has long proven; gaining higher self-determination and balanced anxiety levels.

I shall surely apply this technique with my teams and share how it went. Please give it a go how it went at your end and share your feedback.

Some popular Apps:

List of digital Pomodoro applications

Further Read: 

A detailed paper 

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